Thursday, February 16, 2012

WooHoo!! My first blog post ever!  I am very excited to get started with this for many reasons.  I love being a mommy, I love talking to other women who I can relate to and I love decorating and coming up with neat idea for kids' room and toys etc.  In this blog, I will post about my daughter, Riley, my life as a stay at home mom, questions that I have for you more experienced moms, and I will talk about neat ideas for birthday parties, nurserys, photo shoots, home decor and lots more!  I hope you all enjoy this as much as I do. 

Let the blogging begin!

Andrea :)

1 comment:

  1. Andrea,
    I am the mommy of a beautiful 22 month old little boy so I can tell you that I know being a mommy changes your whole world. I hope we will be able to share the joys of motherhood and help each other with the confusion of being a mom we have sometimes as well!:)

    Rachel Miranda
